Thursday 22 September 2016

Suzuya Juuzou

 AHHHHHHH! Sorry, Suzuya is my favourite character. By the way this is just an edit. I removed the background of the original image (the image below) and I made it black as I think it looks the best. I had to re-add the shining part on his weapon as it got removed when I removed the background. I also made his eyes and stiches stand out more by making the colour brighter than in the original. Other than making the eyes brighter I made the pupils to give him a more crazed look which I think matches his personality. I added the flying blood splatters in front of him to symbolise the fact during this scene he was killing ghouls.
I found this image on my anime list ( if there are any other Tokyo ghoul characters you want me to edit or maybe to a colouring of then comment.

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